First Aid & Health

Welcome to First Aid & Health. 

Week 11 (Last week) 

  • Quick review of the term
  •  did you look at new schedule and select classes for Spring term? (any questions)
  • Video below, and a short Kahoot quiz. (Anders Provide link) 
  • Then – SPRING BREAK!!!!



Week 10 – March 11th

Reminder- tomorrow morning is the Winter Social. See link on website!!

Review of last week w nurse Krystle, and the emergency preparedness. 

Do you have:  flashlight, emergency kit, food for 3+days…(possibly 2 weeks) …did you talk to your family about YOUR plan

Cold & Heat emergencies:




****   Going back to in-person: what we need to do again 🙂 *****

Personal hygiene

How much deodorant/perfume? We need to be sensitive to allergies. 

Going to bed earlier..



Week 9 (March 4)

Nurse Presentation!!

Guest speaker – NURSE KRYSTLE. 

The questions we created last class: 

How do I go about to schedule a time to see you? What are covid protocols? And, Does this mean that we are allowed to go visit the HighSchool at any time, or must we make an appointment.?


Does it cost anything to set up an appointment with you? 

Can I get free condoms from you? 

What shall I do if I feel like I have anxiety or a “mental health” concern? 

Do you provide any counseling? 

If I have a serious wound, but not an emergency, shall we come and visit you?

Can you make a referral to a Dr if that is needed?

Thanks to nurse KRYSTLE!!!

If time  –   Continued from last class (emergency preparedness): 


The cartoon magazine with scenario (12 pages)


Continued from last week—–

2 Weeks Ready – Videos

These fun and lively videos, each around 1 minute long, are a great way to share 2 Weeks Ready information. Click the links below to view on YouTube. 



Think about it. Talk about it.

Have a meaningful conversation with the members of your household to discuss the following:


  • Do you have backup transportation methods and routes?
  • Who will care for the kids, grandparents and pets if you are unable to get to them for several hours?
  • Who in your neighborhood has medical skills, a generator, a chainsaw, or other important tools or resources?
  • Do you have an out of state contact? Designate one person to be the main contact for your group of friends or family. 

Disasters – large and small – can strike any time. Begin your 2 Weeks Ready planning today!



Movie – The impossible. (2012)

This is a realistic and scary movie about what it can look like. 


Continue w emergency preparedness. 

Do you have your list?


Week 8 (Feb 25th). 

OK, for this next week (March 4th) we have a guest speaker: 

Our NURSE – Krystle Rodrigez!! I want you to think about questions for her. She may have a lot of info to share, but to make it more specific for you personally you want to ask specific questions. If you want to do this anonymously you can do so by emailing the question to me, or Heather/Morgan. We will NOT share the name of the student asking the question if you don’t want us to. However, it is also good practice to ask questions to medical professionals. Getting out of your comfort zone is at times a must. 


Video – Poisoning


Video – Allergic reactions


Emergency preparedness. – Earthquake. A little quiz.



Week 7 (Feb 18th)

Review: insurance – what insurance do you have? 

OHP : to qualify – Adults (age 19-64) in households that earn up to: $1,468 a month for a single person. $3,013 for a family of four.

WEBSITE: OREGON HEALTH PLAN (made easy) – let’s check it out.



Do you know of anyone that has asthma? 

Share experience: 


What is the difference between asthma and allergies? (this also includes the Covid/Flu/Cold): This is also important to think about as this is one of the “underlying conditions” that can make the Covid-19 be much harder to fight off. If you have asthma you should be extra cautious of contracting viruses.

  • Follow the chart below to find the answer of the symptoms: JimBob is having a hard time breathing, he’s coughing, tightness of chest,  slight headache, feeling weak, – What do you think happened to JimBob? What shall we do to help? 

Different kinds of asthma:



Watch the video:

Insulin is needed for Type 1 diabetes.


Type 2 Diabetes: you have some control.

Are you able to stick to these 13 healthy habits?


the last few weeks till Spring break: 

NURSE as guest speaker – What questions do we have? 

Making a Dr.Apt. : have you done this yourself? 

Emergency preparedness: – The BIG earthquake> what are the basic plans to be prepared?


Week 6 ( Feb 11)

Review: last week we talked about concussion & Spinal injuries. 

We also went over the late snack routines of JimBob. He still struggles with this. You had some really good ideas to help him e.g. later dinner time… but it’s still not working. Do you have other ideas? 

Insurance and how it works: 

When you have a paid job you hopefully get a range of options provided with your employer, that they help pay for. If this is not offered from your employer you need to find one yourself. We will look into this more at a later class but first let’s check on how it actually works and some basic terminology. 

Premium, Deductible, out of pocket maximum, co-pay,



Heart Attack and chest pain (sudden illness).


Stroke (sudden illness)


FAST: what does it stand for? 


Next week we will look into some more info on insurances and the cost of going to Dr. and Dentist. 


Also, Covid numbers are going down. Hence there are opportunities to start exercising. Safety first !!!! make sure the place you go to follow the state guidelines.



Week 5 (Feb 4th) 

Follow up from last class: 

JimBob’s evening routine documented. How did it go? What did you keep track of? Can you share with the class? 

Evening routine:

Jan 27


8:00 coffee and 3 cookies (choc. chip) 9:30

1 bowl Cereal and milk

10:15 crackers x10 , pistachios x30, string cheese, juice 1 glass 
Jan 28


9:00 tea Sandwich w ham n cheese 11:00 juice
Jan 29


8:00 soda, chips, popcorn 9:00 icecream 10:30 yogurt
Jan 30


7:30 candy (small bag) 8:30 Ice cream: coffee, cookie 10:30 toast w peanutbutter
Jan 31


7:00 String cheese, and trailmix Cheese and crackers 10;30 Left over pizza (1 slice), milk
Feb 1


8:30Trail mix, apple slices 9:45Toast w peanutbutter
Feb 2


7 trailmix and  Sandwich w cheese 9:50 cereal w milk
Feb 3


banana 8:30Toast w ham 10:30 cereal w milk


Spinal injury:


Have you experienced or seen this happen to anyone? 


Concussion and Head injuries:

Have you experienced or seen this happen to anyone?


Who is most at risk for a concussion?

People at greater risk for concussion include:

  • Older people and children ages 4 and under due to their risk of falls.
  • Adolescents due to bike accidents and sports-related head injuries.
  • Military personnel due to exposure to explosive devices.
  • Anyone involved in a car accident.
  • Victims of physical abuse.
  • Anyone who has had a previous concussion.

Adolescents are at higher risk of concussion than any other age group. Researchers think this is because their brains are still developing. The brain is still laying down its neural pathways and adolescents’ necks are typically weaker at this age than in young adults and older people.

Video (first 3 min).


Kahoot – Anders provide the link. 



Week 4 (Jan 28th)

For homework I want you to track/document what you eat for breakfast and dinner for 1 week. 

Create a google doc. including: 

Day,  Breakfast & Dinner (what you ate): 


Jim Bob example: 


Day Breakfast Dinner Extra


extra:  sleep
Jan 20 Egg and toast x2

Coffee x3

Pizza and salad  8000 7h
Jan 21 Yogurt and banana

Coffee x3

Pasta alfredo w chicken 4500 7


Toast w egg,ham, cheese

Coffee x3

Grilled cheese & soup 10000 8


Toast w egg,ham,cheese

Coffee x3

Swe Pancakes (whipped cream and fruit) 12000 7


Smoothie and pancakes x2

Coffee x3

Pizza w salad 11000 7
Jan25 Hard bread w egg x2 

Coffee x3

Salmon+ Rice 7000 7


What JimBob realize is that it’s not so much these meals, nor his sleep pattern that has been his “problem” (at least this week) but rather his LATE NIGHT SNACKING…. Did you find that there is something in your eating habits you’d like to change? If you’re not aware of the habit you can’t change it!! Remember the little video from last week about sticking to a routine 🙂


This next week JimBob will document how much “late snacks he’s consuming” …. Measured as anything eaten after dinner at 7:00pm. 



Jan 27 8:00pm

coffee and 3 cookies (choc. chip)


1 bowl Cereal and milk


crackers x10 , pistachios x30, string cheese, juice 1 glass 

Jan 28      
Jan 29      
Jan 30      
Jan 31      
Feb 1      
Feb 2      
Feb 3      
Feb 4      





Bone, Joint, Muscle injuries



Mental Health and social interactions: FUN is IMPORTANT!


Being able to focus on what’s going on… even when your body is acting up…..

JimBob has noticed body changes and has a rash in groin area for about 2 weeks now . What to do ? 

He also has extremely smelly feet & shoes. He is changing socks but it doesn’t help…. Additionally he’s noticed that skin between his toes is peeling really bad. What has happened.? 




Week 3 (Jan 21) 

Bleeding and wound care:




Benefits of sticking to routines: 


For homework I want you to track/document what you eat for breakfast and dinner for 1 week. 

Create a google doc. including: 

Day,  Breakfast & Dinner (what you ate): 


Jim Bob example: 


Day Breakfast Dinner Extra


extra sleep
Jan 20 Egg and toast x2

Coffee x3

Pizza and salad  8000 7h
Jan 21 Yogurt and banana      



Week 2 (Jan 14th)

Kahoots quiz. Anders provide the link.

Check the victim


Recovery position


Yesterday, and today it’s NICE weather – let’s go on a  HIKE!! Could accidents happen on a HIKE? 

Here are some basic tips to help avoid accidents

Do the little quiz. 

Check out this video w the steps to make sure you’re prepared for a day-hike”


Week 1 (Jan 7th) 

Quick Check : What do you hope to get out of this class? 

  • Let’s check in on our Covid-19 basic expectations. As a group we can go over what is expected of us all during these strange time?

  • Where do accidents happen? 

Have you had any accidents ? Or have you had to help out in emergency situation? 

Acting in an emergency video:

Preventing disease transmission


Benefits of eating healthy and exercise. 





  1. Walking Boosts Your Mood

Did you know that walking can positively boost your mood… without you even realizing it?(4) A 2016 study found that walking for just twelve minutes resulted in an increase in attentiveness and self-confidence (3).

  1. Walking Improves Cognitive Performance

One study (5) concluded that there seems to be a link between walking (at a preferred speed) and cognitive performance in both children and adults.

  1. Walking Lowers Blood Pressure

Studies have shown (6) how moderate intensity walking can help lower the risk of high blood pressure.

  1. Walking Can Help Prevent or Control Diabetes

According to the results from the Harvard Nurses’ Health Study (7), women who walked at least thirty minutes daily, decreased their risk of diabetes by 30%. Walking has proven to be effective at shrinking dangerous abdominal fat that can cause diabetes.  

  1. Walking Can Help Reduce Risk of  Cancer

A research study done by Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention (8) found that women who walked at least seven hours per week were 14% less likely to develop breast cancer. Scientists at the University of California, San Francisco and Harvard University (9), found that men who had prostate cancer and who walked at least three hours a week reduced their chances of a recurrence.

  1. Walking Can Help Reduce Pain and Improve Mobility

In an article by the American Heart Association (10), they explain how walking can significantly improve mobility loss for people with peripheral artery disease (PAD).



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