Your Homework is Important!

687474703a2f2f7777772e776973657061792e636f2e756b2f73746f72652f696d616765732f75706c6f616465642f6c6f5f7265735f70726f647563745f34313534305f3039303031332e6a7067Your homework is important!  Part of being a Connection student is tracking assignments outside of class.  We will ask you to do homework/away work at times to enhance what we are doing in the classroom and give you opportunity to practice. Connections homework is meant to be practice for the real world.  For example, you live in your own apartment you have homework when you need to pay bills on time, balance your budget or complete your chores. If you get in the habit of completing your homework outside of class in Connections you will develop strong habits for when you need to do it in the real world.

Thank you to the students who attended goal Guide testing at Cognitopia last week. You were a huge help and the folks at Cognitopia very much appreciate your feedback.  Cognitopia will be asking more students to complete testing. Please see Josh if you are interested!

Friday, October 16 is the last day for Connections schedule changes for the fall term. If you would like to change your schedule please complete the drop add form found in the student lounge in Building 2120.  You will still be able to make changes in your schedule until Friday.  Please see your case manager or advocate if you have any questions.

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