Ms Bender

Churchill High School

Biology A Warm-up 20 September 2017


Biology A

Warm-up                     20 September 2017


Answer the following in complete sentences/formal response:


  1. If I change the amount of water that I give 10 squash plants, and then I measure the length of the squash after 3 weeks of watering, what is the independent variable?
  2. What tool could be used to measure the data that will be collected from question #1?
  3. Give 2 examples of something else that could be measured about the squash plants. (Be sure to include the tool you would use)
  4. Give 2 examples controls (things that would need to be kept the same) for all 10 squash plants.


Today’s Schedule:

Unit Learning Target: What is the nature of Molecular Biology with Bender?

Day Learning Target: I can describe, and give examples of, scientific method

  1. Warm-up… stamp INB: Characteristics of Life
  2. Scientific Method (INB)… do today, stamp tomorrow
  3. notes
  4. scientific method practice activity
  5. Scientific Method Extra Credit… due 9/29
  6. seed germination
  • Option #1 (up to 20 E.C.): design experiment, write up design
  • Option #2 (up to 40 E.C.): design experiment, collect data, write up experiment
  1. Basic Chemistry Matrix… front side ONLY, due Thursday


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